Sunday, March 18, 2007

Went to GLs charity event, helped out at children's home. Had a lot of fun with them. Spent really meaningful time with them. But at the same time, I think some of the kids are quite poor thing.

Anyway, I have decided to go back on voluntary basis to give the kids tuition or some readjing programme. Seeing these kids really reminded me of myself last time. I didnt have a happy childhood. And theirs is not better than mine. I really hope that all of us can give them the love, care and concern that is within our ability.

I believe that all kids should have a happy childhood, cos it affects their future. I experienced that, I understand. Hoping that they will grow up to be responsible and considerate fellow, all of the people around them should teach them the right path. Cos what they lean as the child will be with them throu-out their whole life.

Being a nasty person urself maybe alright for u, but ur irresponsible actions may bring harm to others. So I hope that all the kids can be a benefit to the society instead of a burden to people.

Watching the ren ci charity show now. Seeing how that guy force himself up the rope to a 23 storey high building . He's doin all of these not for himself but for the patients.

Actually there are so many out there fighting for their happiness. Think bout myself. Am I fighting for my happiness now? Or am I just drowning myself in this sorrowness.

I know how to say a lot of things, advice people, but I cant seem to drill anything right into my brain. I was adviced: The former days of sorrow are past, u should be as relaxed as u can now. I understand. But I just cant seem to move on with my life.

Trying to forget everything but its really hard. I believe for everyone should be hard. Esp for me, when everything that belongs to me is now destroyed and missing. Its still tramautic even till today.

And I still cant accept the fact that I have to go thru this phase. Strong as I may seem to be on the outside, but the inside, I have to admit, its as vulnerable as an egg. Thou I refuse to let go, but I guess I have to, cos its the only option I am left with now.

Shattering and shattering, like a piece of glass, which cannot be glued back anymore.