Sunday, December 30, 2007

a new years approaching soon

im not goin to make new year resolution like many people do

i know its not goin to work for me

but one thing i must do

mend this shattered heart

envies everywhere

envy those who could avoid facing the complexity of adulthood relationship

and happily ever after with their childhood sweethearts

the complexity of adulthood

compared to our age

more cheats, sex, lies, mixed feelings involved

20, but with a 40 year old mentality like what Kai said

say me conversative. i agree to a certain extent

could be the reason why i couldnt take the blow

and cant accept the truth

what could have silenced the innocence overnight

with realisation of the truth

purpose of companion with a hidden agenda

leading to the eventual split

and thats why i do not agree with the modern era

i think its goin to be difficult for me in the future

Sam said that things are goin to be very different years down the road

cos some got hurt by past relationships

so its not as easy as treating a gal well to win her heart

i think its not just years down the road

but even teens at this age are experiencing the same thing as well

but could be more prevalent in the future



i think i could have if i want to

pondered. not likely to be the path that i would be taking

cos the guilt kills

and at the end of the day, i know i would be thinking that its just wasting my life away

what deters me

time for a change

cos this is the society as such

i need to move along with time
