Friday, November 02, 2007

Was rummaging my things trying to look for the attendance sheet, when I stumble upon the list of pros and cons done by me back then in yr 2. I believe it should sound familiar to Manda, Simone and Weng. This whole list that we complied regarding Person B when we were having fish lecture. I could still remember clearly.

But all the facts written in that sheet has become fiction. We all know. Crystal clear.

Was reading “Tuesdays with Morrie” just a while ago. Sets my mind thinking. So I decided to pen down some thoughts.

Hmm..Well, I think I used to be a risk-taker. I always believed that I might gain more and more surprises awaiting for me to be discovered when I take risk. So I took them. But now, I prefer staying in the safety zone. Im really afraid that another risk might push me nearer to the line.

There are some people who said that life is too short to contemplate so much bout the future. So why not just live your day like theres no tmr, and live for the moment. I think it doesnt make much sense. If this is taken for real, who would be at eork or school the next day? Think bout it, how many people would say that they will want to spend more time at their cubicles if they were allowed to turn back time at their deathbeds?

We should all do our best while we are still kicking alive, and in the pink of health. After all, the value of a person lies in how much he can give, and not what he is capable of receiving. Anyone can receive, but not everyone can give. Its something all should learn.

I will be giving my all for now. In some aspects. Even if I know I wont be getting anything in return. I don’t wanna let this be the regret in my life.