Monday, December 12, 2005

My terrible steamboat with Jack-Ass

Im so lazy to blog. But its okay, I will still continue...

Saturday Steamboat:

It was suppose to be a nice + relaxing steamboat...But Im so totally pissed off with that JACK-ass...YES!!! He absolutely spoiled my beautiful Saturday...So so so so so so disgusted by him!!! Get Away From Me!!! SHOO!!! Other than Jack-ass, everything seems to be fine...=]


WeiZhi called me after lecture...I think its a plot by Jack-ass again...I swear I'll never ever go out with them again as long as Jack-ass is going...GGggrr! Not even to K-Box...

Oh ya...Had OBC prac test...I think is was okay...I got a tougher one than the rest...Why lidat...But nvm...I got it correct...=E