Friday, June 13, 2008


guess i will always be in awe by young writters who are into art and philosophical things. if your one, u know i will be impressed by u truckloads.

sometimes, my way of thinking do get thwarted, in a positive way, digressing from the reality and practical thinking of youngsters nowadays. more often than not, work comes tertiary. not that i have no interest in earning money to satisfy my spending urge. but life is much more than giving in to financial temptation. and cos of my desire to understand the society and in depth realisation of the way things usually turn out, i considered sociology. i seriously think my brain is constructed for critical and philosophical thinking rather than hardcore analytical thinking. so modules like science do not really suits me. but i have still decided to persue in this field. i suppose its human nature. homo sapiens having phobia of drastic changes. im typical of that. worst case, i will switch to sociology and waste one yr of studies!

these few days have been wasted emoing over some crappy issues. should start with my reading and photography soon. then i will work my ass off the nxt month before school reopens. at least i should be glad i will be able to be roommates with sharon dearie. im thankful enough to have buds by my side when the skies are overcast. and im glad that CJ is back in Singapore!

1) passed diving theory!
2) next is btt -.-
3) bali advance diving
4) pray real real real hard that i will be taught skating

life aint always a fantasy. that is why we need friends by our side when those dreams have fallen