Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Time check: 3.09am, 23/04. Wed

Cant sleep
Trying to be philosiphical and thinking bout theories again
Complications make u get sick of life even at a tender age of 19yrs old
It makes u wanna disengage from any decision-making stand; people u have to choose; friends that u wanna keep; responsibilities that u gotta shoulder
One wrong move. Ur marked. U gotta blemish there. Theres no eraser to it.
Make good with it by a guilt ridden lie?
But u realise that u cant pass ur conscience eventually
Ur heart aches with any false statement made
Second comes betrayal
U realise u cant trust much;
Cos they have changed;
or the unprecedented discovery and realisation of the real identity
third comes judgment;
its not constant
Ur vision is clouded
Ur hearing is deafened
Ur heart is distracted
Ur brain is in a whirlpool
at some point of time
and u gained wisdom at each milestone
but alas, when its cleared, ur summer becomes winter.
Ur thrown back to the starting point.
Do u still have the determination and stamina to carry on another round?
Bearing in mind this could be another risk
You might be walking on a circular path
Alternatively, it could be a breathtaking experience with unexpected outcome